Knowing how to learn from anything

“An approach to education is key and crucial to the development of any society. Education
should prepare you for life and not focusing on passing exams, but instead, focus on learning”
(, 2019).

Learning should be the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and attitudes. It is developing the
ability to perform new behaviours. Learning is a process that takes place throughout one’s life.
This means that every person learns every time, from anything to succeed. “Success is a cocktail
of skills and one ingredient alone will not give you what you want”.

When we are done with the formal school, we learn to adapt to the many significant changes and
challenges of society such as providing for food, finding and keeping a job, getting married,
looking after a family or being self-employed. Because learning continues in our lives and
affects almost everything, we do.  In the same vein, it is essential to understand the concepts and
learn how to apply it in various situations. This is how learning should be. We need to translate
what we have learnt into the original. Learning from friends and anything around you will make
you understand better how to learn. Learning how to learn is a skill that needs to be mastered to
keep abreast with the changing environment.

However, there is a way in which you need to approach your learning; the number one fact is
that you are not supposed to accept new facts and ideas uncritically and attempt to store them as
isolated or unconnected items. But instead, it is important to examine new effects and ideas
critically and trying them into existing cognitive structures and making numerous links between
ideas. At the same time, if you rely on memorizing learning, receiving information passively,
failing to distinguish principles from examples and focusing on a straight line of solving
problems does not guarantee success and hinders creativity.
Moreover, I do not encourage this type of learning, always look for meaning by focusing on the
central argument and unique way of solving the problem. It is essential that you interact socially
in terms of learning because that is what will enlighten and reinforce the way we learn. Always
relate new and previous knowledge by linking the knowledge we have acquired to the real-life

Remember, we are not fixed, but a human brain can accept and discard what it does not need.
When we are learning anything new, we have to make sense of what we are learning. We should
develop a meaning of everything that we are allowing because there is value in every relevant
knowledge. If it is possible, make sure you relate ideas together and make connections with
previous experiences, and challenges that you already know. As you learn in this manner, you
have to engage in inquiry. Encourage yourself to develop intrinsic interest while showing
enthusiasm. If you do so this, you will allow yourself to move forward and overcome the
obstacles that you are going to face in your journey. Because no one has their lives figured out
and we know that life is not a straight line and do not at any point think like that. Life is not fair
but rather complicated. The dedication to keep you moving forward is what will allow you to
win. And hard times are in the future; you will find that things will not work out in your favour.

All you have to do is to change your attitude and get creative and overcome what life throws at
Remember the world does not owe you anything with no social safety net; it is for this reason
that you should acquire a skill to learn optimally in order to survive and be outstanding.


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